jade ed gypsy

Monday, July 24, 2006

Stolen from APj

OK- this is a little scary... go for it!

pick one word from each pair that you think describes Jade Ed Girl the best and leave it in the comments. Then i'll do you!! -- Your heart should be racing about now...--then copy this and post it in your own journal(if you want to do so)to see how your friends view you.

*dominant or submissive
*logical or intuitive
*social or loner
*kinky or vanilla
*cute or sophisticated
*kitten or puppy
*warm flannel sheets or sleek satin
*leader or follower
*quiet or talkative
*spontaneous or planned
*teddy bear or porcelain doll
*hiking or window shopping
*tequila or vodka
*top or bottom
*bare foot or shoes
*jeans or slacks
*tender or rough
*aware or dreamy
*nerd or jock
*brains or brawn
*common sense or book smarts
*pretty or sexy

2 Were Jade Ed :

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger airplanejayne said…

    It took me a few days, but here is my friend Jade:

    Intuitively submisive
    Kinky tender loner
    A tattooed dreamy teddy bear
    Following quietly to sleek satin sheets
    Barefoot in jeans, Shooting tequila on bottom
    Planned window shopping for cute kittens
    Looking for the brawny nerd, or a jock with brains
    But always finding book smarts pretty damn sexy.

  • At 10:14 PM, Blogger jade ed girl said…

    Damn APj- almost to the T! No satin for me until they make it in 100 Egyptian cotton with a high thread count! LOL- I think my bedding is worth more than my car!!

    Not bad Steph... but however do you know bout Karaoke?


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